Contributors' Notes

Issue Thirty-Six: August 2012


Chelsea Bieker received an MFA in fiction from Portland State University, where she teaches creative writing and composition. Her work is forthcoming in The Normal School Literary Magazine and Gold Man Review. She is currently at work on a collection of stories.

Paula Bomer is publisher of Sententia Books and the editor of Sententia: A Literary Journal as well as a contributor to the literary blog, Big Other. Her writing has appeared in The Mississippi Review, Open City, Fiction, Nerve, and Best American Erotica. Her collection, Baby & Other Stories, is published by Word Riot Press. She lives in Brooklyn with her husband and two children.

Charlie Clark's poetry has appeared in Best New Poets 2011, Blackbird, The Journal, The Laurel Review, Smartish Pace, West Branch, and other journals. He studied poetry at the University of Maryland and lives in Austin, Texas.

Darby M. Dixon III's reviews have appeared in The CollagistIdentity Theory, and The Quarterly Conversation, and his short fiction has appeared in The Cleveland Review. His blog is Thumb Drives and Oven Clocks.

Tarfia Faizullah's poems and prose have appeared or are forthcoming in Ninth Letter, Passages North, Ploughshares, LA Review of Books, South Dakota Review, B O D Y Literature, and elsewhere. A Kundiman fellow, she received her MFA from Virginia Commonwealth University. She is the recipient of scholarships from Bread Loaf Writers' Conference, Sewanee Writers' Conference, the Kenyon Writers' Workshop, and other honors.

Evelyn Hampton is the author of We Were Eternal and Gigantic. Her website is Lisp Service.

Rochelle Hurt lives in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, where she teaches for the Hinge Literary Center, the Carrboro ArtsCenter, and the Loft Literary Center online. Her poetry and prose can be found in recent or upcoming issues of KROnline, Crab Orchard Review, the Southeast Review, Hunger Mountain, Arts & Letters, Columbia Poetry Review, Passages North, Meridian, and Image.

Drew Johnson was raised in Mississippi and lives in Massachusetts. His fiction has appeared or is forthcoming in Harper's, Virginia Quarterly Review, FiveChapters, The Cupboard, Gulf Coast, New England Review, and elsewhere. Reviews, interviews, and ruminations have appeared at The Paris Review Daily, Bookslut, The Rumpus, and Agni. Much of this can be accessed through his website: 

W. Todd Kaneko lives and writes in Grand Rapids, Michigan. His work has appeared in Bellingham Review, Los Angeles Review, Lantern Review, Southeast Review, NANO Fiction, Blackbird and elsewhere. He has received fellowships from Kundiman and the Kenyon Review Writer's Workshop. He teaches at Grand Valley State University. Visit him online at

T Kira Madden is a writer, photographer, and amateur magician living in New York City. Her work has most recently appeared or is forthcoming in Hyphen, The Fiddleback, Fourteen Hills, and elimae. She currently teaches fiction at Gotham Writer’s Workshop and is no longer on speaking terms with Vesper T. Woods.

Nick Francis Potter is a multimedia artist and writer from Salt Lake City, Utah. His writing has appeared in Caketrain, Sleepingfish, >kill author, Untoward Magazine, and is forthcoming in the yellow issue of Fairy Tale Review. He currently lives in Providence, RI with his pregnant wife and soon-to-be not-only son, Atlas. 

John Shortino received his MFA in creative writing from Temple University, where he served as fiction editor for TINGE, the program's literary magazine. His essays and short stories have been published in Barrelhouse and Opium, and his book reviews frequently appear in the Philadelphia Inquirer.

Leah Tallon is a Senior Editor at Other Voices Books and Assistant Editor for The Nervous Breakdown's Fiction section. Her book reviews, fiction and interviews appear in a few places such as Knee-Jerk Magazine, Trilling Magazine and The Nervous Breakdown. She's currently wrestling with what she hopes will be her first book.

Ann Marie Thornburg received her MFA in poetry from the University of Michigan in 2011. Her work appears in The Boston ReviewMichigan Quarterly Review, and MAKE Literary Magazine. She was the recipient of a 2011-2012 Zell Postgraduate Fellowship at the University of Michigan.

Chris Vola is the staff chapbook reviewer at Short, Fast, and Deadly and a contributing books editor at The Brooklyn Rail. He lives in Manhattan.