Contributors' Notes

Issue Ninety-Three: October 2017


Hanif Abdurraqib is a poet, writer, and cultural critic from Columbus, Ohio. His first collection of poems, The Crown Ain't Worth Much, was released by Button Poetry in 2016. His first essay collection, They Can't Kill Us Until They Kill Us, is forthcoming from Two Dollar Radio in November.

Laurie Blauner is the author of seven books of poetry and four novels. Her most recent novel The Solace of Monsters is a finalist in Fiction for the 2017 Washington State Book Awards and was on Bookriot’s 2016 list for best books from independent publishers. Her latest book of poetry was It Looks Worse than I Am.

Eric Blix is the author of the story collection, Physically Alarming Men (Stephen F. Austin State University Press). His work has appeared in such journals as CaketrainThe PinchWestern Humanities Review, and others. Born and raised in Minnesota, he currently lives in Salt Lake City, where he studies in the PhD program in creative writing at the University of Utah.

Ryan Call is the author of The Weather Stations. His stories have appeared in Puerto del SolCaketrainBOMBConjunctions, and elsewhere. He is the recipient of a Whiting Award. He lives in Houston.

Marie Curran lives in Durham, North Carolina. Her work can be found in Mud Season Review and MUTHA. She holds an MFA from Northern Michigan University and works as a curriculum specialist and copywriter for an educational organization.

Many of Tom DeBeauchamp’s book reviews are available in earlier issues of The Collagist. This is his first published work of fiction in several years. He lives in Portland, Oregon. 

Emari DiGiorgio is the author of Girl Torpedo (Agape, 2018), the winner of the 2017 Numinous Orison, Luminous Origin Literary Award, and The Things a Body Might Become (Five Oaks Press, 2017). She's the recipient of the Elinor Benedict Poetry Prize, the Auburn Witness Poetry Prize, and a poetry fellowship from the New Jersey State Council on the Arts. She's received residencies from the Vermont Studio Center, Sundress Academy of the Arts, and Rivendell Writers' Colony. She teaches at Stockton University, is a Geraldine R. Dodge Foundation Poet, and hosts World Above, a monthly reading series in Atlantic City, NJ.

Chelsea Dingman’s first book, Thaw, was chosen by Allison Joseph to win the National Poetry Series (University of Georgia Press, 2017). In 2016-17, she also won The Southeast Review's Gearhart Poetry Prize, The Sycamore Review's Wabash Prize, and Water-stone Review's Jane Kenyon Poetry Prize. Her work can be found in Ninth Letter, The Colorado Review, Mid-American Review, Cincinnati Review, and Gulf Coast, among others.

William Evans is a writer and performer from Columbus, Ohio. He is a Callaloo Fellow and recipient of the Sustainable Arts Foundation Grant. In addition to being the co-founder and editor-in-chief of, William's latest manuscript, Still Can't Do My Daughter's Hair, is being released on Button Poetry in the Fall of 2017. His work can found online or forthcoming in Rattle, The Offing, Winter Tangerine and other publications. 

Connor Fisher lives in Athens, Georgia. He has an MA in English Literature from the University of Denver, an MFA in Creative Writing from the University of Colorado at Boulder, and is working towards a PhD in English and Creative Writing at the University of Georgia. His poetry and reviews have appeared or are forthcoming in The Volta, Rain Taxi, Dreginald, Word For / Word, Tarpaulin Sky, 32 Poems, and Typo.

Catherine Gammon is author of the novels Sorrow (Braddock Avenue Books, 2013) and Isabel Out of the Rain (Mercury House, 1991). Her shorter fiction has appeared in Ploughshares, Kenyon Review, and New England Review, and elsewhere. Her work has received support from the NEA, NYFA, the Virginia Center for the Creative Arts, and the Fine Arts Work Center in Provincetown, among others. Catherine taught in the MFA program at the University of Pittsburgh before entering residential training at San Francisco Zen Center and ordination as a Zen priest. She now lives in Pittsburgh again. Other Juliet pieces have appeared in The Collagist 76 and 90, and in Artifice 4

Justin Gardiner's poetry has appeared in journals that include The Missouri ReviewQuarterly West, Zone 3, and ZYZZYVA, among others. In 2012, his working manuscript was selected as the winner of Warren Wilson's generous Larry Levis Stipend. In the same year, he also served as the Margery Davis Boyden Wilderness Writing Fellow—a one-of-a-kind backcountry residency sponsored by PEN Northwest, and set on a large homestead in the middle of the Rogue River Wilderness in southern Oregon. Currently he teaches at Auburn University.

J. Andrew Goodman is an MFA graduate from Murray State University and the former Managing Book Review Editor for As It Ought to Be. He currently works in the Louisville Free Public Library system, providing teen, adult, and immigration services. 

Amorak Huey, a 2017 National Endowment for the Arts Fellow, is author of the poetry collections Ha Ha Ha Thump (Sundress, 2015) and Boom Box (Sundress, forthcoming in 2019) as well as the chapbooks The Insomniac Circus (Hyacinth Girl, 2014) and A Map of the Farm Three Miles from the End of Happy Hollow Road (Porkbelly, 2016). He is also co-author with W. Todd Kaneko of the forthcoming textbook Poetry: A Writer’s Guide and Anthology (Bloomsbury, 2018) and teaches writing at Grand Valley State University in Michigan.

Gabino Iglesias is a writer, journalist, and book reviewer living in Austin, Texas. His reviews appears regularly in Electric Literature, LitReactor, HorrorTalk, Vol. 1 Brooklyn, and other print and online venues. He is the book reviews editor for PANK Magazine and the television/film editor for Entropy Magazine. His latest novel, Zero Saints, was optioned for film and nominated to the Wonderland Book Award in 2016.

M. K. Rainey is a writer, teacher, and co-host of the Dead Rabbits Reading Series. She is the 2017 winner of the Bechtel Prize at Teachers & Writers Magazine and her work has appeared or is forthcoming in Cider Press Review, 3AM Magazine, Azure, and more. 

Julia Shipley is the author of a debut collection, The Academy of Hay, which was a finalist for the 2016 Vermont Book Award. Her work has also appeared in Green Mountains Review, Gettysburg Review, Harvard Review online, Orion, Poetry, and Verse Daily.

Michael B. Tager is a writer and editor who is reasonably wary of bears.

Jaclyn Watterson is left-handed, vegetarian, and of choleric temperament. Previous non-fiction has appeared in The SpectacleNew Delta Review, and Split Lip, and her first book, Ventriloquisms, won the 2016 Spokane Prize in Short Fiction. It was published earlier this month by Willow Springs Books.

Jenny Wu studies and teaches at Washington University in St. Louis. Some of her writing can be found in Dream Pop Journala glimpse of, and Lotus-eater.